Fee Schedule

Permanent Placement
Temporary Placement
Monthly Salary Fee Guarantee period
Below HK$9,999 100% of One Month’s Salary One Month
HK$10,000-14,999 120% of One Month’s Salary One Month
HK$15,000-24,999 150% of One Month’s Salary Two Months
HK$25,000 and above 180% of One Month’s Salary Three Months
Salary = Total cash remuneration, include cash allowances & guarantee/advance commission & bonus
  1. Our Professional fee is due on the date that the successful candidate reports for duty.
  2. All permanent placements are covered by a guarantee period. Should either party terminates the employment for any reasons within the guarantee period, replacements will be given on the original job specification and the calculation of the professional fee is based on the higher salary scale of the original and the replacement; the time frame for finding the replacement is limited to the original guarantee period. The remain days of original guarantee period will be provided for the replacement candidate for all range of positions.
  3. If the replacement is not required by the client or is unsuccessful within the guarantee period, no charges will be applied if the appointee ceases employment within 7 Days. 50% fee will be charged if the appointee resigns after 7 Days & within the end of the guarantee period.
  4. All candidates are introduced on a confidential basis & under the Privacy Ordinance. In the event that the confidential information of our candidate(s) are passed onto other employers, whether by you, your servants / agents, resulting in the employment of the candidate(s), it is hereby agreed that professional fees shall be chargeable on you as if you had employed the candidate(s).
  5. It is also agreed that professional fees shall be chargeable in the event of any employment of candidate(s) at a date beyond the time of introduction & within a period of one year from the date of introduction.
  6. The candidate(s) which supplied by Potential Personnel Consultancy interviewed by a Client shall be deemed acceptance of our terms & conditions of business.
  7. All professional fees shall be due & payable within 14 Days from the date of invoice, failing which no Guarantee period shall be applicable.
  8. We do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of any information &/or references provided by our candidate not for their personal traits.
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